This cost affordable data logger monitors real time readings on the PV panel taking the voltage, current and power. Using an Arduino which is low cost will be the main piece of this project. Everything that will be bought will be cheap and homemade if possible. PLX-DAQ data will be taken on excel to assist with the formula layout.
You need to be able to operate Microsoft excel and work out your own formulas which is a functional requirement as it is plays a vital part of the project. Also, to be able to organise your data and transfer it. Tableau is an essential part to make your data easily visualised by the user. Use of tableaus systems is needed to complete the final part of the project. You need to be able to operate an Arduino properly including wiring up the Arduino to the circuit and to create the appropriate code for your project. This is a functional requirement as it is the main operating part of the project. The Arduino must power the data logger and send the code to it. Making the data logger log everything into the SD card. This is mandatory. Safe use of machinery is required to prevent injury. Material is going to have to be drilled and cut the make the stand for the PV panel and a home for the data logger.
Built with the latest version of arduino IDE.
Data is organised on an excel spreadsheet.
Data is transfered onto tableau to be visually represented
It starts off with the user uploading and running the code from the Arduino IDE app onto the Arduino uno board. From there the Arduino is connected to the voltage divider. The voltage divider Insurers that 5V is provided to one of the Arduino’s analogue pins when the solar panel reaches its (MPP) maximum power point.
The solar panel is connected to each of the resistors on the voltage divider. When the solar panel receives power all the information is sent back to the data logger shield which is connected on top of the Arduino IDE board using male and female headers. All this information is then stored on the SD card. An excel spreadsheet is stored in the SD card and the information is split into columns with the date and time printed. When sufficient information is taken it will be transferred onto Tableau to visually represent the values taken from the solar panel.
Henry is a software engineer with almost 20 years of experience
Sean is a computer scientist and holds a Bachelors degree
Ricky is the CEO of this company and holds multiple buisness and tech qualifications
It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.The advance of technology is based on making it fit in so that you don't really even notice it, so it's part of everyday life.
If future generations are to remember us more with gratitude than sorrow, we must achieve more than just the miracles of technology. We must also leave them a glimpse of the world as it was created, not just as it looked when we got through with it.